С оказией читала давние письма. Нашла прекрасное письмо от знакомого пятидесятилетнего успешного архитектора из Германии.
Красивые мысли…
“I tell you a dream. You should know that I really love to be an architect. It is definitly the right thing for me.
Through architecture you can transform your ideas from nothing to the scale of 1/1.
Once it’s done you can touch it! And some people can even live inside of it. That’s great. I love it.
But I have a dream. And it goes like this:
It’s 3am in the morning. Finally I found the way to bed and thanks to my favourite red wine I’m sleeping like a baby.
The phone is ringing. Normally I do not care. I just ignore it. But it keeps ringing and ringing. Again and again.Very ennoying!
“Hi Mark, this is Graigg, Graigg Wicklund from Seattle. How you’doing, you old motherfucker?”
“Graigg? What the hell do you want? It’s nighttime. Are you crazy?”
“Marl, come on, wake up”
“Youuuuuuuuuuuuu did wake me up. What’s going on? I did not hear anything from you for 2 years and now you are calling at this time.”
“Come on, Mark! The sun is shining, it’s a mellow evening up here on my porch. Cristine just brought some cool drinks outside for the 2 of us. It’s not my fault that the world is turning and right now you are staying at the dark side of the moon. Listen to me!”
“”Mmmmmmmh. Tell me! I still don’t know why…”
“Mark! Guess what happened! I did finish my book. Believe it or not. I did finish it. After all these hazzles. It came out to be a fantastic story. You know that the guys from BanTam Books offered me a huge amount of money and almost everything else I could imagine for publishing it. And they want to bring it to Europe too. They think it’ll be a blockbuster. Here in the states and over there in good old Europe, this sleeping retireing continent. So, listen. They were looking for a translator for German which means for the German, Austrian and Swiss market. But I stopped them. I told them there is only one guy who is able to do this job. It’s you! I told them Mr Mark Mayer, , right now staying somewhere in Bonn, wasting his time putting bricks on each other, he is the only one to do this job. To put my story into German.”
“Oh, come on, Craigg. Are you drunken? I never did anything like that, you know.”
“Mark. Seriously. You. I want you. And so I told them. Everything fits. I will send you the manuscript. Cause of the publishing dates you got 6 month for the job”
“6 month to translate a whole novel? You got lunatic. That’s ridiculous. I need at least 9 month.”
“Ok. Mark. You do it. That’s great. I knew it.
I will send you the manuscript tomorrow by UPS overnight. You’ll get it in the afternoon and ….”
“Hold on, Craigg. I just thought about it.
Send it to “The Oriental” in Bangkok, Thailand.
You remember the place we stayed some 15 years ago? I will catch the next flight and the day after tomorrow I’ll get it there. And we said 9 month, didn’t we?
Nine month! You leave me alone. I’ll go somewhere on the islands, no phone, no nighttime calling. I’ll jump into your story.
When the job is done I’ll bring it to you to the States.”
So in my next life:
I’ll be reborn as a translator.
But I am a dreamer and I would prefer French/Italian/Spanish to German.
Do you do dreaming?”
Я посмотрела свой ответ 9 лет назад и не нашла ничего вдохновляющего: написала невнятное про карьеру, отношения, развлечения… всё без конкретики. В то время я, действительно, боялась мечтать. То самое уничижительное “Мечтать не вредно!” и “Лучше уж синицу в руке”. Я считала себя реалистом, но на самом деле неготовность мечтать это скорее о пессимизме:)
К счастью, я начала и стала строить мостики.
Уже писала про анкету где мечта, ставшая реальностью, “посмотреть как живут в других странах не как турист”, а вот ещё поразительно, что в листке с планами за 1.5 года до рождения дочери написано “Девочка?”. Именно в таком виде, со знаком вопроса как осторожная мечта. И даже она случилась! Бегает сейчас по дому и говорит: “Ты – моя любовь. Ты, мама, – тоже красавица.”
Хочется, чтобы мы не останавливались. Чтобы продолжали мечтать. Это прекрасное качество детства, оно дает нам возможность менять жизнь к лучшему, меняться самим, светиться счастьем. Даже тот успешный архитектор за несколько прошедших со времени написания письма лет, уверенно овладел итальянским и французским и у него большие планы!
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